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Passion Pursuit Small Group Curriculum - Digital Videos

Authentic Intimacy

Passion Pursuit Small Group Curriculum - Digital Videos

$ 25.00 $ 30.00

*When you purchase this product, you get access to all 10 chapters of our Passion Pursuit study through online videos plus a Leader's Guide!


A Bible study about sex for women? It’s about time! This 10-week study lets God's Word speak about sex being holy and erotic. Using Song of Solomon and Scripture throughout the Bible, you will discover answers to questions on topics as diverse as: what’s okay—and not okay—in the bedroom, temptation, forgiveness, a wife’s power, and how and why to pursue passion. You’ll be amazed how much God has to say on all these subjects and more. Satan has worked hard to twist God’s design for sex and now is the time for us to go on the offensive and reclaim that territory!

Each lesson begins with a bold and dynamic 30-40 minute digital video teaching from Linda Dillow and Dr. Juli Slattery, which leads you into 5 days of additional, helpful information and revealing questions in the workbook.

To help you set up and lead a small group through this life-changing information, you will also get access to a Leader's Guide. This guide will provide all kinds of questions, tips and suggestions to make facilitating this study easy.

The "Passion Pursuit Workbook" is sold separately and is available in English and Spanish. 

Please note: Small group curriculum videos may be shared with small groups of less than 20 individuals. A Corporate Pass must be purchased for groups larger than 20.

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