Authentic Intimacy
God, Sex, and Your Marriage Workbook
How you think about sex matters.
Each of us has accepted a picture of sexuality that has been influenced by the culture, the Church, and our own personal experiences. You can't do sex in your marriage correctly until you first learn to think about it from the right perspective.
That’s what this 9-week course is all about. We will look at the all-important question, “What does a great sex life look like?” You and your spouse may be surprised to learn that the Bible has some very practical answers to that question.
As you go through this study you will:
- Bring to light how past events, culture’s influence, and simplistic religious teaching have led to wrong expectations for your sex life.
- Begin to understand God’s purpose for sexual intimacy in your marriage.
- Learn the importance of healthy boundaries to promote faithfulness in your marriage.
- Begin to create a common language and vision as a couple for your sexual relationship.
- Reframe problems you encounter as an opportunity to grow in love and intimacy.
- Identify and address barriers to passion and pleasure.
- Invite God into your marriage as your Redeemer, Counselor, and Healer.
“It is for freedom that Christ died.” Get ready to experience the freedom that comes through embracing the power of God’s love for you and His beautiful design for sex within your marriage!
The workbook is intended to be used along with Dr. Juli Slattery's book God, Sex, and Your Marriage and her teaching videos. If you're planning to do this study with your spouse, consider our Couples Bundle for a discount on the workbooks and videos.